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Name: Chris Armstrong

Job: Drums

Gear: Sonar drums / Gibraltar / Iron Cobra / Sabian / Vic Firth

Likes: Whiskey, beer and cigarettes

Fav HFC show: Hardrock Cafe, Belfast

Fun Fact: Often drinks to the point allowing him to sleep with open eyes


Name: Andy Clarke

Job: Guitar / Vocals

Gear: Gibson / Peavey 5150 / Boss

Likes: Beer and cigarettes

Fav HFC show: My Dying Bride support in Dublin

Fun Fact: Known as sergant rock due to his controlling, yet heavy metal nature


Name: Paul McRoberts

Job: Bass

Gear: Yamaha / Musicman / ESP / Trace Elliott / Boss

Likes: Guinness

Fav HFC show: Limelight in Belfast - 2nd show as a 3 piece

Fun Fact: Belfast rhyming slang, "Threw my lock in her bath tub"


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